Italian Social Marketing Network Newsletter 154


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Adham Elmously, MD, Arash Salemi, MD, and T. Sloane Guy,MD

The use of social media by surgeons is not only encouraged, but should be seen as an obligation to patients and colleagues to help disseminate impor-tant information. In a rapidly expanding digital revolution, engagement in social media allows surgeons to network with the community and leverage content to a wide audience while owning their online presence.

It has been over a decade since the conception of social media, and despite its nearly ubiquitous use in modern life, many phy-sicians have opted out of participating in this platform. The main barriers to social media use for physicians seem to be lack of time, lack of perceived value, as well as concerns about personal and patient privacy.1 Currently, Facebook has over 1 billion active users and Twitter has over 300 million active users, with studies demonstrating that 84% of adults use the Internet and spend an average of 6 hours per week on social media,2,3 figures that are rising each year (Fig. 1).

Overall, consumers cite three key things that could improve the doctor-patient relationship: greater connectivity, better convenience via text and online tools, and more time with the doctor. Brands and marketers alike have many things to consider in today’s ever-changing healthcare landscape. Are patients happy with their relationships with their healthcare providers? How likely are they to switch doctors? What could be improved with the doctor-patient experience? How do people want to be communicated with by their providers’ offices?
Among the three generations, Millennials are the least satisfied with their doctors and are most likely to switch practices. Not surprisingly, the researchers found that they are also the generation that is most likely to want to receive e-mail and text communication from offices.
Generation X
Many Generation Xers control healthcare decisions across multiple generations, and their preferences and satisfaction levels both fall somewhere between younger and older consumers. Overall, the researchers found that they are fairly similar to Millennials, with an openness to digital communication and to switching providers.
Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers, the biggest consumers of healthcare services, are the least likely to switch doctors. However that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re happy: less than half are satisfied with their current providers. Boomers are also the generation least interested in receiving communications from doctors’ offices digitally.

Secondo il pensatore tedesco Hans Jonas l’uomo si realizza in un sano pensiero filosofico, evitando gnosticismo e storture scientiste Per non diventare delle «formiche tecnologiche»
«Che l’immagine dell’uomo non vacilli, si offuschi e sbiadisca, che gli uomini non si riducano a formiche tecnologiche o edonisti senza anima o marionette frastornate dal nostro furibondo potere». A cosa attingere per evitare questa deriva? All’uso adeguato della filosofia che instrada verso la vita buona e all’esercizio della virtù? Sono dilemmi che hanno il sapore dell’attualità benché sollevate da Hans Jonas nel 1955. Potrebbe d’altro canto essere diversamente se «le questioni filosofiche – puntualizzava il pensatore sei anni prima – si ripropongono ad ogni nuova epoca tanto daccapo, quanto alla luce della loro intera vicenda storica antecedente?». Le citazioni provengono dalle annotazioni del filosofo appartenenti alla sua stagione canadese, dal 1949 al ’55.

A cura di Piergiorgio Ferretti, Maurizio Gottin – ASL TO4

1) RunKeeper – RunKeeper sfrutta il GPS dello smartphone per raccogliere informazioni sulla corsa: inoltre è possibile attivare un “allenatore virtuale” per migliorare il tempo di corsa con un programma di allenamento specifico, ricevendo messaggi incoraggianti. RunKeeper può anche impostare passeggiate, contare i passi, misurare gite in bicicletta, canottaggio, sci e altro ancora; in generale è adatta per controllare qualsiasi sport di spostamento lungo un percorso.
2) Runtastic – App gratuita per iPhone e Android ideale per lo sport all’aperto. Come un personal trainer permette di programmare gli allenamenti e controllare i risultati nella corsa e nel ciclismo. Anche questa App sfrutta il GPS per registrare i percorsi ed i progressi delle sessioni di corsa nel tempo. Di questa applicazione esiste inoltre una versione non gratuita progettata per il fitness e gli esercizi di ginnastica e palestra da fare anche a casa: Runtastic Results – .

An announcement on January 24 didn’t get the large amount of attention it deserved: Apple and 13 prominent health systems, including prestigious centers like Johns Hopkins and the University of Pennsylvania, disclosed an agreement that would allow Apple to download onto its various devices the electronic health data of those systems’ patients — with patients’ permission, of course.
It could herald truly disruptive change in the U.S. health care system. The reason: It could liberate health care data for game-changing new uses, including empowering patients as never before.
Since electronic health records (EHRs) became widespread over the last decade, there has been growing frustration over the inability to make electronic data liquid — to have it follow the patient throughout the health system and to be available for more sophisticated analysis in support of improved patient care and research. Most efforts to liberate and exchange health data have focused on getting doctors and hospitals to share it with one another. Those efforts continue, but progress has been slow.

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